It is located at Armenian border of Turkey.
At the same time, according to newly established procedure, it had become possible to get a 21-day visa at the Armenian border.
Kerim Ktirek was one possibility, a tough drug run- ner from Kars, near the Armenian border.
The site lies next to the Armenian border and gaining permission to access the monastery is all but impossible.
Valens bade him to stay at Neocaesarea in Pontus Polemoniacus three hundred kilometers from the Armenian border.
Alongside with General Andranik, Smbat was assigned to mobilize for the defense of the Armenian border.
On a peninsula close to the Armenian border, and currently within a military zone, stands Sürmeli castle, a medieval citadel whose surviving walls dating from 1224.
Mount Ağrı is to the south and Armenian border is to the east.
The Third Mithridatic War (75- 65 BC ) led Roman forces for the first time directly to the Armenian border.
On 11 November 2009, Armenian officials reported an explosion of some segment of the pipeline within the Armenian borders.