In power, the Iron Guard stiffened already harsh anti-Semitic legislation, enacted legislation directed against Armenian and Greek businessmen, tempered at times by the willingness of officials to take bribes, and wreaked vengeance upon its enemies.
A third Protestant candidate was Yetvart Lushkhajian, an Armenian Protestant businessman vying for public office for the first time.
The remaining 5% share went to an Armenian businessman, Calouste Gulbenkian, who had previously owned shares within TPC.
Militants downed a military plane in Kulp, where after an Armenian businessman was detained.
He was a wealthy Armenian businessman and philanthropist, who made Lisbon the headquarters for his businesses.
Armenian International Airways was jointly established on July 12, 2002, by Armenian businessmen Gagik Tsarukian, Hrair Hakobian, and Levon Baghdasarian.
In 1840 khwaja alimullah bought the two garden-houses set up by Aratun, the Armenian businessman, and Griffith Cook, the British Justice, in the Sujatpur area.
March 23 - Calouste Gulbenkian, Armenian businessman and philanthropist (d. 1955)
In April 2007 Police arrested Skachevsky and Ryno following the murder of Armenian businessman, Karen Abramian.
July 20 - Calouste Gulbenkian, Armenian businessman and philanthropist (b. 1869)