Sahakyan was backed by the ruling Democratic Party of Artsakh, by two opposition parties, and by the current Armenian leadership.
While the Armenian leadership had earlier supported the call for joining Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia, it had never before acknowledged the Karabakh Committee itself as legitimate.
Early in 1992, Karabakh's Armenian leadership proclaimed an independent republic.
The Armenian leadership largely accepted this, but the peasantry opposed the changes.
He integrated the Cilician coastal cities to the Armenian principality, thus consolidating Armenian commercial leadership in the region.
The Armenian leadership withdrew its forces to the Armenian areas of Baku and limited its action to self-defense.
Armenian leadership also meet with Sir Mark Sykes and Georges Picot.
In 1678, the Armenian leadership secretly conducted a congress in Echmiadzin, and decided that Armenia had to be liberated from foreign domination.
The Armenian leadership approved an ultimatum, presented to it by the Soviet plenipotentiary Boris Legran.
As a result, the Armenian leadership decided to actively defend Armenian churches by dispatching militiamen who acted as guards and holding mass demonstrations.