Property tax rates in 2010-11 were set by the school board at 64.4900 mills for resident in Armstrong County.
This was the highest increase provided by the state, among the districts in Armstrong County.
Properties located in Armstrong County have a millage rate of 30.4100 mills.
Leechburg is one of only three municipalities in Armstrong County to have full-time, seven day a week police coverage.
The district's teachers were the highest paid in Armstrong County.
Property tax rates in 2009 were set at 35.2500 mills for residents in Armstrong County.
They have lived in Armstrong County for several years with seven children.
Pascal is an assistant public defender in Armstrong County and also has a private practice of law.
As of November 2008, there were 45,532 registered voters in Armstrong County.
In Armstrong County, 77% of residents applied for property tax relief.