It is unclear which Army brigades could be sent early.
There are a few exceptions for army, police, fire brigade or scientific purposes.
In effect this could mean transferring five army brigades, some 25,000 troops, to the East.
Earlier this month, the Government sent a special 3,000-man Army brigade to the region to restore order.
It is capable of housing enough armored equipment for a heavy Army brigade.
The four army brigades are larger than a conventional modern brigade, their size is more akin to a division.
These regular army brigades were part of the corps artillery, although their equipment was an expedient.
Four army brigades, about twenty thousand soldiers and police, established a cordon round the city.
The Pentagon is right to stress lighter, more mobile Army brigades.
Depending on how it is organized, an Army brigade typically has between 3,500 and 5,000 troops, and a battalion about 1,200.