Also whether in five years' time the Army expect to have regained an elite position.
But the Army expects a number of courses to continue to be run at Waiouru.
The school's opponents reacted warily to the proposed changes, which the Army expects to make public in the weeks ahead.
The Army expects to spend £1million on accommodation and modifications in the first year with more to follow.
But the Army does not expect to be able to field this equipment until 1994.
The Army expects the gathering, the first of its kind, to be an annual review of automotive technologies.
There had been serious question in his mind then about his ability to deliver what the Army expected of him.
The Army does not expect them to be at the highest level of readiness.
The Army has more than 220 5,000-gallon fuel trucks and expects to have more than 300 in another week.
The Army expects to make the initial orbital test flight during the summer of 2013.