However, opposition activists claimed the airbase was attacked and declared inoperable by Free Syrian Army rebels on 5 September.
Eleven soldiers are killed in an ambush on Mindoro island in an ambush by the communist New People's Army rebels.
As the last of the Argentine Army rebels were being loaded onto trucks after giving up Monday, a nearby group of civilians began to chant, "Paredon!
Army rebels backed by mercenaries were in control of the capital of the Comoros Islands today, after Thursday's coup d'etat in the Indian Ocean archipelago.
Army rebels against Constantine.
The Free Syrian Army rebels claimed that defectors from Syria's elite Republican Guard were behind the attack.
Army rebels were not included in this truce.
Thousands of children have been abducted by the Lord's Resistance Army rebels and forced to become child soldiers.
He also participated in the peace-talks between the Government of Uganda and the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebels.