Several were complimentary on job skills but found physical fitness levels below Army standards, and some cited weakness in survival skills.
These units must meet British Army standards in organisation and efficiency.
And what they are proposing is, by Army standards, nothing short of radical.
They were the producers of the Enfield rifles, the British Army standard for many generations.
Mr. Israel, the report found, "denied ever having seen interrogation processes in violation" of Army standards, "which is contrary to several witness statements."
Like many others on the base, her home was recently remodeled to meet current Army standards for living space and energy efficiency.
By Army standards they're right.
Equipment was mostly brought up to current Army standards and all heavy assets were given up.
Because he rarely spoke, he was considered stupid and therefore, according to Army standards, highly reliable.
For the French Army standard of cleanliness is not the same as ours.