Arrow shirts has "mobile murals" in New York - buses painted over with ads, even the windows.
One such building is 131 Walnut Avenue, once the home of Arrow shirts and Philips-Jones men's clothing.
These include such brand names as Gold Toe socks, Arrow shirts and Burberry clothing.
Cluett's "Arrow shirts" are still worn by men across the country.
Aside from his mother's disparaging remarks, all he knows about Lewis is that he once was a model for Arrow shirts.
There was a white Arrow shirt from Garfinckel's Department Store in Washington.
I painted pieces of bread, Arrow shirts, movie stars.
Arrow shirts continued to be the top-selling men's shirts, holding on to about 20 percent of the total market.
Cluett had the same kind of attitude with its Arrow shirts and Gold Toe socks.
He also did packaging design for Good & Plenty candies, Arrow shirts and Wisk detergent.