The 72 stained glass windows illustrating the Arthurian tales are by Veronica Whall.
It is essentially respectful of the Arthurian tales while putting a more modern, even somewhat rueful imprint on them.
The three pigs are like the Arthurian tales.
The character himself reappears in a number of Arthurian tales, in several different languages, but without the same significance.
It will be an Arthurian tale with a twist.
The work became the inspiration for the later Vulgate Cycle of Arthurian tales.
English readers did not fancy any burlesque of their Arthurian tales, or American strictures on their institutions.
Giants, however, occur more widely in medieval romance and are not at all confined to Arthurian tales.
Furthermore, the revival of interest in Arthur and the Arthurian tales did not continue unabated.
Though he sought adventure, he never came to the fore in Arthurian tales with renowned exploits of his own.