Although Article 1, Paragraph 2(b) of the New Jersey Constitution expressly authorizes such a recall, state officials fought the effort in court.
Article 8 explicitly authorizes vertical integration in generation, transmission, distribution and supply.
The Articles of Confederation authorized the national government to create post offices but not post roads.
In addition, Article 68 authorizes "parallel importing" from the lowest international generic bidder, effectively destroying the patent holder's monopoly as well.
Article 14 authorizes the INCB to recommend an embargo on imports and exports of drugs from any noncompliant nations.
Article 34 of its charter authorizes the Security Council to take up any matter that might lead to "international friction or dispute."
Articles 17 and 81 authorize the ICRC, national societies, or other impartial humanitarian organizations to provide assistance to the victims of war.
The Constitutional Convention chose to support the church and Article Three authorized a general religious tax to be directed to the church of a taxpayers' choice.
Article 109 authorizes the Governor of the Province to summon Provincial Assembly to meet at such time and place as he thinks fit.