Their lighter skins hint at Aryan blood.
The German Christian-dominated presbytery denied it to them, regarding Christianity a religion reserved for persons of so-called Aryan blood and therefore to be denied to persons fully or partially of Jewish descent.
He proudly proclaimed that in the family genealogical three there was only Aryan blood and exhorted future generations to "preserve the purity of the race!"
Trautmann explains that Risley "found a direct relation between the proportion of Aryan blood and the nasal index, along a gradient from the highest castes to the lowest.
Aryan blood soiled by scheming Semites I .
Actually, I fancy, he is of pure Aryan blood.
His face reflected the sun-ripened Aryan blood of the northern Indian Sikhs, with just an additional suggestion of the oriental.
In their "search to retrieve 'Aryan blood'", SS race experts ordered hundreds of children in occupied Poland and the occupied Soviet Union to be kidnapped and transferred to the Reich to be adopted by racially suitable German families.
Without wishing to invoke Godwin's Law, didn't Hitler call all true Germans of pure Aryan blood to return to the Reich pre-WW2?