It was Obama's first presidential Asia trip since he was inducted.
Now planning a central Asia trip for September/October this year.
In December 1909 Cobb returned and rendered his accounts for his Asia trip that year.
Administration officials had said a Senate defeat for the President's economic plan would have been "catastrophic" for the Asia trip.
I've decided at the last minute that I want to include India to my Asia trip.
Tway played so badly that he ended his Asia trip early and came home.
On his Asia trip, Japan and China showed little enthusiasm for his economic advice.
Just file the Asia trip under "source development," flip them a couple thousand to cover a token commercial fare, and kick back with the big boys.
The president had insisted he would not comment on the yen, saying repeatedly before his Asia trip that the market must determine currency values.
In late 2007 he conducted an Asia trip that brought him to China, where he called for greater freedom of information to promote innovation.