Bates accepted 49 percent of the 113 Asian-American students who applied for the freshman class.
Since the late 1980's, Asian-American students have been arriving on campus in record numbers.
It is an issue that may become more important, she said, because of a steady rise in the number of Asian-American students.
The number of Asian-American students taking the examinations was 27,396, up from 21,101 in 1987 and 140 percent greater than the 11,413 in 1984.
He has been invited to speak about affirmative action and at events for Asian-American students.
This means that the white and Asian-American students must have done awfully well to bring the total up to 80 percent.
The number of Asian-American students who took advanced courses remained far ahead of all other groups.
The number of Asian-American students has tripled in the last 15 years, to 474.
"They don't have an intact family with highly educated parents, like many Asian-American students."
Some parents have grumbled about the academic successes of Asian-American students.