The cost of Assam tea was lowered down many folds and became more competitive than its Chinese variant.
This is different from British culture, where "tea" often refers to a light meal with a cup of Assam tea in the late afternoon.
It's small wonder, then, that Assam tea should offer such full-bodied bright liquor.
Afternoon enjoy a cup of fresh Assam tea near the tea garden.
I had to have Assam tea (with a touch of lapsang souchong) available at all times during rehearsal.
And for those not about to count crab apple blossoms or care what bees do, this is surely the wrong cup of Assam tea.
So it became a struggle to pull on her clothes whilst drinking the Assam tea and chewing some toast.
Assam tea is generally harvested twice, in a "first flush" and a "second flush."
Of the 40% that remains, about 20% are hybrid bushes and a very small percentage are pure Assam tea.
Assam tea comes from the northeastern section of the country.