That assembly would then appoint officers to the interim government.
The assembly then appointed Cooke to be its speaker in 1720.
Wary, General Assembly simply appointed a committee to continue studying the matter.
Spiritual Assemblies appoint individuals, task forces, and committees to carry out many of their functions.
The Assembly has both appointed and elected members.
The assembly in turn appoints a municipal executive committee (kommunstyrelse) from its members.
If the presidency council fails to choose a prime minister within the two weeks, the assembly can appoint one by a two-thirds vote.
Expert committees are appointed and dissolved by the General Assembly at the suggestion of the central committee.
That assembly would appoint a provisional administration and council, to serve for about two years, and also work to write a new constitution.
In 1596 the general assembly appointed him and fifteen others to organise the church in opposition to the government.