The new Assembly rules represent one of the most substantive changes the Legislature has made in response to increased public scrutiny of its employment practices.
(Assembly rules provide for the disclosure of such information).
Under Assembly rules, the report was approved by a simple majority of all 108 members.
Assembly rules, null models, and trait dispersion: new questions from old patterns.
Mr. Winner recalled that a few years ago, there was a push to change the Assembly rules and force the Rules Committee to meet.
Under normal Assembly rules, a public hearing is required before a vote is taken.
"Sampat questions change in Assembly rules", The Tribune (India) (January 18, 2006)
Assembly rules within a contingent ecology.
Mr. Bragman introduced a motion today to change the Assembly rules to allow the removal of a speaker at any time.
Under Assembly rules, lawmakers are reimbursed for three bulk mailings to their constituents each year and are allocated an additional $2,700 for other bulk mail costs.