These mounds were fortresses, temples or buildings that belonged to the Assyrian capital of Nimrud.
The Assyrian capital was named Tushhan (900-600 BC).
However, their empire fell, when in 612 an allied army of Babylonians and Medes captured Nineveh, the Assyrian capital.
The Assyrian capital of Nimrud was shaken by concussive bombing of nearby military targets.
Tushhan or Tušhan was a northern Assyrian provincial capital in the upper Tigris river valley, on the south bank.
From 1903 to 1914, he directed the excavation of the ancient Assyrian capital of Assur.
Esarhaddon died while preparing to leave the Assyrian capital of Nineveh in order to eject him.
Harran, the new Assyrian capital, was eventually taken in 608 BC.
Inhabitance at the former major Assyrian capitals was sparse during the Achaemenid rule.
Like other Assyrian capitals, Assur was greatly destroyed during the battles of the century before.