A quarter of the Athenian army died from the infection along with many of the city's civilians.
Cimon's death was kept a secret from the Athenian army.
The Athenian army and ships were destroyed, with most of the survivors being sold into slavery.
Already he was thinking of the pretender, Argaios, and the Athenian army.
The Athenian army marched under a rain of missiles.
The Athenian army, outnumbered four to one, launched a surprise offensive, and what looked like suicide turned out to be astonishing victory.
The entire Athenian army fled back to Eion, although about 600 of them were killed before they reached the port.
The Pentacosiomedimni could also serve as generals in the Athenian army.
In every other known case when cities were betrayed to an Athenian army, it was by a democratic faction.
Herodotus does not give a figure for the size of the Athenian army.