The league, in effect, became an Athenian empire.
'Liberation' meant taking the initiative, breaking up the Athenian Empire.
This region had been part of the Athenian Empire, and Athens still considered it as in their sphere.
The Athenian empire and the great illusion (1914)
A strong "peace party" arose, which promoted avoidance of war and continued concentration on the economic growth of the Athenian Empire.
In 377 Eresos is recorded as a member of the Second Athenian Empire.
Concentration on the Athenian Empire, however, brought Athens into conflict with another Greek state.
The Delian League is often called "the Athenian Empire" by scholars.
During the heyday of the Athenian empire, the city's silver tetradrachm was the first coin to achieve "international standard" status in Mediterranean trade.
For a time, it also served as the treasury of the Delian League, which later became the Athenian Empire.