Naval action in harbour and total defeat of Athenian fleet.
The long walls were a critical factor in allowing the Athenian fleet to become the city's paramount strength.
Subsequently, however, they succeeded in winning a victory over the Athenian fleet.
Threatened with starvation, the Athenian fleet had no choice but to follow.
Despite the arrival of two Athenian fleets, the city fell in 354.
The former is generally accepted in view of the fact that the naucraries were certainly the units on which the Athenian fleet was based.
Much of the Athenian fleet was destroyed on the beach while the crews were scattered.
He had already joined the Athenian fleet and helped them win some important successes.
The Athenian fleet sent to crush the revolt was beaten, and at once more states seceded.
A larger Athenian fleet was dispatched to suppress this agitation.