The Athenian navy under Thrasybulus calls Alcibiades back from Sardis.
A third possibility is that his reforms were limited to hoplites serving as marines on board ships of the Athenian navy.
For these reasons, Dor became the most remote outpost of the Athenian navy.
It would be a mistake to attribute the demise of Aegina solely to the development of the Athenian navy.
In the battle, a Spartan fleet under Lysander completely destroyed the Athenian navy.
Alcibiades was immediately made an admiral (navarch) in the Athenian navy.
Alcibiades and the Athenian navy won a significant victory against the combined navies.
Using the might of the Athenian navy, they could deny every and any other state's access to the Black Sea.
Additionally, the Athenian navy is the most powerful among the Hellenic civilisations.
So, the Athenian navy preferred the ram, using their triremes as projectiles and all but ignoring the marines.