Overall, two of the key terms of Athenian politics were popular participation and collective rule.
This was his only direct contact with Athenian politics.
The defeat at Notium caused the complete downfall of Alcibiades in Athenian politics.
He was the first prominent representative of the commercial class in Athenian politics, although he was an aristocrat himself.
Athenian politics will be the poorer without this charming and peculiarly idealistic buccaneer.
But Themistocles was not destined to influence Athenian politics much longer.
Pericles now had virtually no opponent and for the next fifteen years, by being re-elected as strategos regularly, he dominated Athenian politics.
But there was crudity in Athenian politics before Kleon.
Thrasybulus, leading the faction that sought to reject the peace offer, regained his position atop Athenian politics.
Claiming loyalty to his city, Socrates clashed with the current course of Athenian politics and society.