He had contracted malaria while on a trip back to his home in Congo and wound up in an Atlanta hospital.
Reeves, the Falcons coach, will be released from an Atlanta hospital today after undergoing quadruple bypass surgery.
The man remains under a federal isolation order at an Atlanta hospital.
Cass dies in an Atlanta hospital from the wound.
Every hotel, boarding house and private residence was crammed with visitors who had come to be near wounded relatives in the big Atlanta hospitals.
Scarlett had seen enough typhoid in the Atlanta hospital to know what a week meant in that dread disease.
He was admitted to an Atlanta hospital on September 28, 2005 with a high fever and died the next day from a heart attack.
Nonetheless, an air ambulance will have him home sometime this weekend, she said, and he will be isolated in an Atlanta hospital.
The man is being detained under a federal isolation order in an Atlanta hospital for treatment of extremely resistant tuberculosis, which is often lethal.
Whip awakens in an Atlanta hospital with minor injuries.