The man with a dangerous form of tuberculosis who flew to Europe for his wedding and honeymoon was identified yesterday as a 31-year-old Atlanta lawyer.
One solution, proposed by Seth Weissman, an Atlanta lawyer, is to allow any business provided you can't "see, hear or smell it."
But Lee Parks, the Atlanta lawyer the Democrats retained, pressed on with the lawsuit in federal court.
And this week, an Atlanta lawyer involved in a civil lawsuit raised questions about the fuel-tank design of Mustangs built in the mid-1990's.
Mr. Calugar may have traded mutual funds as far back as the 1980's, when he was an Atlanta lawyer.
A leading Atlanta criminal-defense lawyer, Bruce Harvey, has agreed to spit periodically while on trial.
An Atlanta lawyer was forced to run a printed mea culpa in the local law journal.
Sadow, an Atlanta lawyer, said he was not sure what evidence Cole had to share with investigators.
She mistakenly wrote that an Atlanta lawyer pleaded guilty to 3 counts in a 25-count indictment.
The Atlanta lawyer had begun a political career in the Democratic Party; the scandal finished it.