The Atlanta region, with 2.8 million people, represents the nation's shopping habits so well that it is a favorite trial market for new products.
So they had to negotiate a contract with a large firm to mow all the lawns in the Atlanta region - for $40 a lawn.
Our tournament is in the Atlanta region, and the better part of the money stays here.
It lent heavily to apartment developers in Florida and the Atlanta region in recent years, just before those markets turned down.
The Asian population in the greater Atlanta region more than quadrupled between 1980 and 1990, to 51,820 from 12,529, according to the Census Bureau.
He has also been involved in the development of a new Christian school in the metropolitan Atlanta region.
After the Games, Randstad's name recognition in the Atlanta region rose from fifteen to 99.5 percent.
The Atlanta region has about 1,370 people per square mile, compared with about 5,400 in the Los Angeles area.
From April of last year to this year, the 10-county Atlanta region grew by 94,300 people, the second-largest annual population increase in its history.
The 1-cent sales tax upon which the Atlanta region will vote in Summer 2012 would provide funding for the line.