We could walk right to the Atlantic Yards from our house and watch a basketball game.
I bought two properties that are three blocks from the Atlantic Yards for about $4 million.
I wouldn't have bought that property if it weren't for the Atlantic Yards.
For the first time - and probably the last - nobody else wanted to speak about Atlantic Yards.
The lawsuit is not the only one associated with Atlantic Yards.
It is part of a proposed $4.9 billion sports arena, business and residential complex known as the Atlantic Yards.
He added, "Atlantic Yards is, among other things, all about inclusion, and we have worked hard to make it that way."
In other respects, however, the Atlantic Yards envisioned today looks very different from the one unveiled nearly two years ago.
Even without Atlantic Yards, our neighborhood and others nearby are feeling the strain of poor planning for a rising population.
At this phase of the Atlantic Yards' development, the more voices and energy dedicated to those goals, the better.