The German title of the book translates into: "A journey around the world from West to East through Siberia and the Pacific and Atlantic seas".
Euthymenes of Massilia says by way of testimony, 'I have navigated' says he, 'the Atlantic sea.
Armies on the Elbe, on the other hand, would have to have been supplied either by extensive overland routes or ships travelling the hazardous Atlantic seas.
High winds and heavy Atlantic seas tossed Arcturus unmercifully, causing a fire in the pyrotechnic locker and the loss of 5 inch ammunition on the after gundeck.
Dark like the Atlantic seas.
Before, the only way to go from Rio or São Paulo to Belém was through boats at the Atlantic sea.
They were said to have constructed ships of oak with tough leather sails, well adapted for plying the rough Atlantic seas.
The emphasis is on locally caught seafood and you might find Achiltibuie salmon or North Atlantic sea bream on the menu.
The Baltic waters are shallow and the worst polluted among all of Europe's Atlantic seas.
(Jul. 16, 1997) There is a 1200 mile strip of land off the southwestern coast of Africa where the searing Namibian desert meets the frigid Atlantic sea.