The flight started on 19 January 2006, with help from an Atlas V rocket.
Once launched from its Atlas V rocket, the spacecraft used for the mission would slowly spiral out of Earth orbit for about two years.
The CST-100 is planned to be launched by an Atlas V rocket.
This was later revealed to be a part of a larger system, designed for a biconic capsule, that would be launched atop an Atlas V rocket.
The vehicle would be launched on a human-rated (upgraded) Atlas V rocket but would land on a runway.
The maiden launch of the Atlas V rocket equipped with the RD-180 engine occurred in 2002.
United Launch Alliance proposed to extend development work on human-rating the Atlas V rocket.
It was launched on May 7, 2011 from Cape Canaveral atop an Atlas V rocket.
The Atlas V rocket is at the heart of the reversal of fortune for Lockheed's launching program.
It was launched on March 19, 2013 from Cape Canaveral atop an Atlas V rocket.