The final three books cover the 25 years from the early days of the post-war Attlee government to the counterculture and protests of the early 1970s.
After the Second World War, the new Attlee government took steps to nationalise much of the country's transport industry.
There have been four periods of Labour government since 1945 and only one has succeeded in narrowing inequality: the Attlee government.
Whatever the implications of this view for socialist ideology, it was certainly a priority forced upon the Attlee governments.
Or the Attlee government of post-war Britain?
He was briefly in the Attlee government as Assistant Postmaster-General.
Serving in junior posts during the Attlee government, he remained in Parliament until the age of 81.
Generations of poor children grew up stronger and healthier, because of this one, small, and inexpensive act of generosity, by the Attlee government".
His Crisis in the University, published during the Attlee government, was an influential analysis of the failures of the contemporary university.
With bankruptcy staring it in the face, the Attlee government made plans for a severe austerity program at home and a strategic retrenchment abroad.