To the Editor: Deep inside your Aug. 17 front-page article about charter schools is the most tragic part.
Indeed, an Aug. 9 front-page article detailed how the United States planned to "step up" antitrust enforcement on health care.
To the Editor: Your Aug. 7 front-page article about minority partners at law firms was valuable.
The key to understanding what is going on can be found at the end of the Aug. 17 article.
To the Editor: As your Aug. 17 front-page article makes clear, foreign aid programs in Bosnia are shot through with corruption.
The Washington Post had only an Aug. 11 article about the propriety of pressing the cocaine question.
Your Aug. 27 front-page article identifies many of the difficulties and annoyances that new teachers have encountered this summer.
I think your criticism of Duff Wilson's Aug. 25 article about the Duke rape case is way off the mark.
The Aug. 25 article, nearly 6,000 words long, has come in for particular criticism.
It was from your Aug. 19 article on Zoe that I learned Elmo is supposed to be a boy.