Oil prices are now in the $33-a-barrel range, $8 higher than the $25 level many analysts expected immediately after the Aug. 2 invasion.
The last oil bought, just before the Aug. 2 invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, cost about $16 a barrel.
All classified material in the embassy was shredded and burned in the first week after the Aug. 2 invasion.
The average price stood at $1.17 before the Aug. 2 invasion.
Iran has condemned the Aug. 2 invasion and the massive American military buildup in the region.
This would be about 50 percent higher than the level before the Aug. 2 invasion of Kuwait by Iraq.
No foreign journalist was permitted to visit Kuwait from the Aug. 2 invasion until after the cease-fire.
We will examine the causes and results of the Aug. 2 invasion.
But income last year was swollen by the increase in crude oil prices after the Aug. 2 invasion of Kuwait.
Even before the Aug. 2 invasion, the minutes said, inflationary pressures outside food and energy persisted.