Did you see The Tea House of the August Moon?
The company opened its first season on June 28, 1962, with a nine-day run of Teahouse of the August Moon.
From 1953 to 1956, Shimoda acted in the Teahouse of the August Moon.
But last night the August Moon was open for business as usual.
August Moon (1984) Initially a Japan-only release, where it reached gold status.
A friend of Captain Gansas who plays with him in a rock band called August Moon defended him.
He also starred in Five Dolls for an August Moon.
If you'd like to see another brilliant younger (smoking hot) Brando performance, check out "Teahouse of the August Moon."
In Teahouse of the August Moon (1956) he played a psychiatrist with an enthusiasm for farming.
The Teahouse of the August Moon may refer to: