Luggage is coming out of the closet as people prepare to pack for August vacations.
This is, after all, the first August vacation since high school for the 31-year-old Bonilla.
In September, people come back from August vacations feeling the same way, only more so.
"The president is going to put every energy in ensuring thus gets done before the August vacation."
Perhaps the members wished to enjoy their August vacations in peace.
The committee has not set a date for the two to testify but hopes to settle the complaints before August vacation.
He bought one for himself and gave up his August vacation so he could organize her show.
The deal is expected to be voted into law this week so that members of Congress can start their August vacations right on time.
It called on workers to give up August vacations to keep up with demand; hundreds did.
The forestry minister, meanwhile, is on his August vacation, and has no plans to cut it short.