Similar marae have also been found on other islands, such as Raivavae, one of the Austral Islands.
Maraes of a similar type are found on Raivavae, one of the Austral Islands.
Austral Islands' population is about 6,300 on almost 150 km.
The capital of the Austral Islands administrative subdivision is Tubuai.
Geographically, the Austral Islands consist of two separate archipelagos.
It is part of the Austral Islands, which belong to French Polynesia.
They would also share the same positions as the last independent rulers in the Austral Islands not under French colonial control.
It is known from the Austral Islands.
It is known from the Austral Islands (Rapa and Rurutu).
It is also reported from the Austral Islands in French Polynesia.