The Australia Group comprises 20 industrialised nations committed to preventing the proliferation of chemical weapons.
A list of controlled technologies is being drawn up by the Australia Group and this could be added to UK export regulations this year.
The Australia Group, another informal grouping of countries, with the critical task of controlling chemical weapons proliferation, has done as poorly.
Australia chairs the Australia Group, an informal grouping of countries that seek to minimise the risk of assisting chemical and biological weapon proliferation.
Toward that end, the official said, the administration would support efforts to expand the surveillance and control of sensitive technology through, for example, the Australia Group.
The action was taken by the Australia Group, an informal alliance of 20 countries formed by Australia in the mid-1980's to curb chemical weapons.
The Australia Group continues to ensure that its control lists keep pace with technological and industry developments.
The Australia Group plenary reviewed its outreach efforts and priorities, and agreed to continue an active outreach program in 2008-09.
Further information on the Australia Group is available at
Known as the Australia Group, they share intelligence on suspected chemical weapons development.