Re loubie was a 1986 Australian case involving the breach of s.117 of the constitution by the Queensland government.
Several Australian civil cases were however successful.
In the Australian case, an ethnically Chinese woman had been taking fo-ti to stop her hair from turning gray.
In some countries, they fought the extermination of rats; and in 1968 there was the bizarre Australian pharmaceutical case.
In the Australian case, however, the choice of landfall had been made by the Home Secretary of Britain.
Studies comparing the viral strains in the Australian cases have not yet been performed, he said.
The Australian case of McKay (1957) involved a chicken farmer who, when he found an intruder stealing chickens, shot at him five times, killing him.
In an Australian case reported by Eagleson, a "farewell letter" had apparently been written by a woman prior to her disappearance.
An example is the Australian case Muschinski v Dodds.
In this case, all the Judges decided that the High Court itself would be the final court of appeal for Australian legal cases.