They are commonly thought of as an Australian icon.
Martin Place has become a national Australian icon in popular culture for attracting high-end film and television productions and actors to the area.
It has also been the location of some significant commemorations of Australian icons.
Peel died in combat in 1918, probably not even knowing the impact he had in the creation of an Australian icon.
Some of these characters still remain minor Australian icons.
It's a very simplistic picture but highlights that Ned Kelly is an Australian icon.
He has been a supporter of Australian working-class icons, such as the rugby league football team, the Newtown Jets.
The slideshow was a collection of images depicting Australian cultural icons which were gradually losing commercial appeal in the United States.
Cassie is going to be an Australian icon not unlike Supre.
The company is best known for creating Vegemite, a food paste and Australian cultural icon.