Fairy was released onto the Australian market in 2011 and is quickly growing to become one of the most popular choices available within the country.
Another recent study indicates that investment in a new plantation takes 13 years to break even, at least within the current Australian market.
It was first offered on the Australian market in 1979.
In the Australian market, survival periods are set between 8 - 14 days.
These coffee house were set up to test the concept in the Australian market.
The Australian market is also drawing the interest of American companies.
The 2001-2002 models were introduced to the Australian market and have sold well.
Gordon saw an opportunity of manufacturing his own engines for the Australian market.
This plant also manufactured a right hand drive version for the Australian market between 2007 and 2009.
It was reported after the event that there were issues ordering the show in the Australian market.