The question was put to a referendum in the Australian referendum, 1946 with two other (unrelated) questions.
In the 1977 Australian referendum the winner was chosen by the system of instant-runoff voting.
The question was put to a referendum in the Australian referendum, 1946.
The proposal was put to a referendum in the Australian referendum, 1984.
Constitution Alteration (Corporations) 1912 was a question put to referendum in the Australian referendum, 1913.
The Commission's report led to four proposals to amend the Constitution, which were put to the people in the Australian referendum, 1988.
Another question was put to the people on the same day, see Australian referendum, 1973 (Prices).
The Constitution Alteration (Finance) 1909 was question put to referendum in the Australian referendum, 1910.
The 1910 Australian referendum was held on 13 April 1910.
The group changed its name in 1999, coinciding with an unsuccessful Australian referendum on the same issue.