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It established her as by far the leading Australian scholar in the field.
Conservatives in Congress have criticized the choice of an Australian scholar, Ben Kiernan, to head the program.
Robert Guy Howarth (1906-1974) was an Australian scholar, literary critic and poet.
Meaghan Morris (born 1950) is a renowned Australian scholar of cultural studies.
Peter Nicholls (born 1939) is an Australian literary scholar and critic.
William John Dumbrell (born 1926) is an Australian biblical scholar.
Dale Spender (born 22 September 1943) is an Australian feminist scholar, teacher, writer and consultant.
It publishes scholarly works by Australian and international scholars.
It also gives an overview of the arguments by British, American, Australian and French scholars.
The award is for the first book of history by an Australian scholar and for research using original sources.