This was intended to prevent farmers under-cutting each other on price, and thus assure the highest price for Australian wheat.
The crisis brought about a significant loss of support for the AWB's monopoly power over the sale of Australian wheat.
After the third voyage, the ship was instead loaded with cargoes of Australian wheat and wool for the return leg.
A good illustration of this is Australian wheat growing in the southern winter cropping zone, where, despite low rainfall (300 mm), wheat cropping is successful even with relatively little use of nitrogenous fertilizer.
Their final tasks were bringing Australian wheat to Great Britain, on which Åland shipowner Gustav Erikson kept going until after WW2, 1947 being his last year.
It is created as a statutory authority with a monopoly over purchasing and exporting all Australian wheat (the 'single desk').
He is also guaranteed a minimum price for his grain by the Australian Wheat Board, the marketer of all Australian wheat.
Alia is a real Jordanian trucking company, but one with no role in the distribution of Australian wheat in Iraq.
Australian wheat exporters.
AWB had veto power over any other prospective exporters of wheat, which effectively eliminated competition on the export market for Australian wheat, thereby capturing freight differentials.