With Europe at peace, the Austrian flag now flew over 50% more land than when Metternich had become foreign minister.
Polish and Austrian flags can also be seen on it.
The Austrian flag has been the main motive of many collector coins.
It depicts a barbed wire fence symbolic of a concentration camp and the Austrian flag at half mast.
When Senna's overalls were removed an Austrian flag was found tucked in his sleeve.
When track officials examined the wreckage of Senna's racing car, they found a furled Austrian flag.
They hoisted the Turkish, British and Austrian flags over the citadel.
Watson immediately prohibited this but also orderered that the Austrian flag be taken down.
Colnett always referred to the ship as the Lowden and was not fooled by the Austrian flag.
In 1996 Berger modified his original design with the Austrian flag rotated horizontally.