But the Austrian advanced guard caught the retreating Neapolitan force twice by surprise at Cesenatico and Pesaro.
Between 16 and 19 December, Richepanse led his division in several actions against the Austrian rear guards.
Passing as a sympathetic peasant, he managed to get past the Austrian guards.
The following day, the rest of the Austrian advanced guard arrived at the town to find the Neapolitans had already left during the night.
After the Austrian national guard was approaching the city, he fled into the mountains with 320 followers to wage guerilla warfare.
A cavalry charge led by General Etienne Kellermann crowned the attack and threw the Austrian advanced guard into confusion.
In several clashes on 2 May, the Austrian rear guard held off the French, inflicting 400 killed and wounded including Debroc wounded.
Mino quickly finds his father, as the Austrian guards already have deserted the prisoner of war camp.
On 12 September 1792, a Prussian military escort received the men from their Austrian guards.
The crowd which later gathered to demand the man's release was fired upon by Austrian guards; many were wounded.