All this aimed at increasing the legitimacy and influence of the House and its Austrian lands.
When he succeeded to the Austrian lands, he began by making large concessions to the interests offended by his brother's innovations.
The western part became part of the new Austrian land Burgenland.
In 1559 a paper mill was established at Wattens, the first in the Austrian lands.
The Council had 25 members; 10 from Austrian lands and 15 from German.
However the Ottoman Empire now lay directly adjacent to the Austrian lands.
The 16th Century also saw the spread of the Reformation through the Austrian lands.
Ferdinand's election to emperor in 1558 once again reunited the Austrian lands.
They were order dedicated to defend the borders of Austrian lands from the Eastern menaces.
The affiliation of the remote Bohemian territories with the Austrian lands turned out to be unrealistic.