As a result of the treaty the Allies left Austrian territory on October 25, 1955.
It provided security for approximately two thirds of the population on approximately 98% of the Austrian national territory.
The Serbs have lived on Austrian territory for several centuries.
Further to the east, the road is briefly interrupted by Austrian territory.
This sometimes refers (particularly in present and former Austrian territories) to the original language of the inhabitants.
By 1858 Piedmont had control of all Austrian territory in Italy.
Both nations perceived the city as integral part of their new statehoods which at that time were forming in the former Austrian territories.
It marked the end of his final attempt to launch a major invasion of Austrian territory.
On the other hand, the proposal maintains the system in force throughout Austrian territory and also the number of ecopoints available for 2003.
After the war, some 165 engines of Class 57.10-35 remained on Austrian territory.