He secured brief jobs, as an Avon representative and a taxi driver, but he was re-arrested in June.
We don't sell it here, but my wife gets it from her Avon representative.
I locked the car from habit, climbed the two porch steps, and rang the bell-ding dong-like the local Avon representative.
And there is also no need to wait until an Avon representative rings the doorbell: the repellents, $10 to $12, are available at www.avon.com.
It also honors one Avon representative.
Avon training centers help women who want to become Avon representatives selling beauty products, jewelry, accessories and clothing.
Each Avon representative is an independent sales representative running their own business.
Telephone Marion Darby on 0345 023373 to find out your nearest Avon representative.
Avon's survey, conducted by the Guideline Research Corporation, an independent marketing research firm, sampled 500 Avon representatives.
"Would you like to be an Avon representative?"