None of the Azores islands will be officially discovered until nearly a century later, in the 1430s and 1440s.
The came mainly from the Azores islands, and colonized the coast.
A majority of the immigrants came from the Azores Islands.
The route from Europe passed through the Azores islands.
The system tracked nearly due east before dissipating on September 16 to the north of the Azores islands.
There are nine major Azores islands and several very small islands (islets), in three main groups.
The earthquake was one of the greatest recorded earthquakes in the Azores Islands.
Although Grace passed through the Azores Islands, the storm had little known effects there.
It was included in the enclaves conceded to the Spanish at east of the Azores islands.
The Portuguese started arriving in the 1750s, mainly from the Azores islands, and colonized the coast.