The plot of "Independence Day" is based on the "Jurassic Park" formula - B-list actors being chased around by A-list special effects.
Robert Blake, the B-list actor who is accused of killing his wife, shuffles around the courthouse in Van Nuys these days, alone, a Pall Mall tucked behind his ear.
But in a flurry of strong follow-up studies published in the last few years, vitamin E has emerged as a sort of middle-aged, B-list actor not fulfilling its early promise.
There are many rules governing what films may be nominated including availability on Netflix, whether or not it is "intended" to be horrible, and inclusion of "A- or B-list" actors, among others.
Afterward, the two will motor back to reality where Jack, a B-list actor and pretty boy fast on the fade, will marry for the first time.
Rushed into low-budget production, they are saddled with patched-together scripts and B-list actors obviously cruising at minimum-rehearsal speed.
Opens today in Manhattan Directed by Simon Brand Not rated; 90 minutes Brisk pacing and an excellent cast of mostly B-list actors can't make up for the commonplace premise and execution of Simon Brand's twisty thriller "Unknown."
College students are betting their textbook money on blackjack, and B-list actors are applying their method training to bluffing in televised games of Texas Hold 'Em.
TV sports seem pitched to the masses: witness John Madden's nearly unbearable folksiness or the "Monday Night Football" team paying obeisance to B-list actors like Christian Slater.
In exchange for suppressing an item about an actor's explosion at some function (the food apparently offended his refined palate), Mr. Spiegelman received a lame tip about "a B-list actor doing summer stock."