Richard Harrison (born May 26, 1936) is an American B-movie actor and occasionally a writer/director/producer.
And who better to play Ronald Reagan than that old B-movie actor, the president?
Who would ever have believed that a half-rate B-movie actor could ride his 'fame' like one of his horses to a governor's mansion?
His voice seemed to belong to someone else, a radio announcer or a B-movie actor.
The B-movie actor continued to appear in films until the early 1980s.
This is the mythology of Hollywood come to life, a revisiting of the B-movie actor who gets elected governor and then President.
Three's a B-movie actor being attacked by a giant lobster and a man landing on the moon.
Michael Sopkiw is a B-movie American actor who has starred in only four Italian movies in two years.
He created many obituaries of comedians and B-movie actors for the Observer and The Times.